Building Your Own Chat-activated Browser Source for Twitch

A lot of Twitch programming streams have all sorts of fun interactive ways to engage their chat. I have always found them so fun so I wanted to build my own! While this example is going to be going over command activated stuff, feel free to take a look at the rest of the possibilities with ComfyJS.


Here are some things to consider:

Creating the Site

Let’s create a skeleton HTML file in our project folder (I name my project folder, obs-browser-source). We should name this file index.html:

<!-- Inside of obs-browser-source/index.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>If you're not OBS, Go Away</title>
  <script src=""></script>
    <!-- We will declare some styles here soon -->

  <!-- We will write the body in just a second! -->

This skeleton HTML file helps set up a small website! For our website, you’ll see a set of <head> and <body> tags. We will start with the writing in the body so we can get started:

  <img id="ferris" src="./rustacean-flat-happy.png" width="200" />
    ComfyJS.onCommand = (user, command, message, flags, extra) => {
      if (command === "yeeclaw") {
        const ferris = document.getElementById("ferris")
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 1000)


We start by adding our image, I have this cute little photo of Ferris the Rustacean. Then we will directly write our JavaScript directly into the HTML file within <script> tags. This can be done in a separate file if you want, but just make sure to link it properly with the src attribute.

Inside of our script, we will use our ComfyJS.onCommand which helps register actions, whenever we listen for a command in the chat. By default the command flag it looks for is !. So whenever someone in our chat starts a message with ! it will indicate to ComfyJS that this is a command and we should be using this function.

From there we can indicate the name of the command we want to listen for, so !yeeclaw. From there, we tell our program to find the image on our site, add a class and then remove it after a second.

Last for the body tag is initializing ComfyJS with the username of the chat we want to listen to! So in my case I added my handle, maxcellw. Feel free to replace it with yours!

Now that is done, let’s add what effect we want to happen. In our command, we’ll be adding a class to our image that causes it to spin. Experiment, the web browser is your oyster!

  .rotate {
    animation: rotation 1s 1 linear;

  @keyframes rotation {
    from {
      transform: rotate(0deg);

    to {
      transform: rotate(359deg);

Now if we open our index.html file in the browser, we will see our little Ferris sitting along. And whenever we type our command into the chat, we will see it spin!

Here is an example:

Ferris spinning whenever I type !yeeclaw in the chat

Deploying our Site to Netlify

Add Site to OBS as browser source